📄️ Introduction
You might want to add dialogs to your game, so we provide you with a generic solution that can make the development of your game faster and easier. As always, you can create your own dialogs system using (or not) utilities provided by this package.
📄️ Get started
This Utility does not require any specific initialization.
📄️ Understanding dialogs
Dialog properties
📄️ Understanding providers
Dialog providers are used to feed the DialogController with dialog entries. There can be different dialog origins (translation files, etc) so you can use any script that implements the IDialogProvider interface (even create your own). This dialog provider script has to be attached to the same GameObject as the DialogController.
📄️ Dialog images
Dialog images are used to define wich images should be displayed along with the dialog text. They are identified by image code and can target where to be displayed.
📄️ Dialog events
You can define events that get executed when a dialog is displayed. You will define events with an identifier (one identifier can have multiple events, they stack).
📄️ Dialog managed controls
You might want to enable players to skip dialogs using their keyboards, game controllers or any input device. Also, you might want to have all controller logic centralized. To achieve both goals you can use the DialogManagedControls script.
🗃️ API
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