📄️ DialogController
The DialogController is the class responsible for managing dialogs display. It stores the current display state and displays dialogs as desired (calling respective events when necessary).
📄️ DialogEventsProvider
The DialogEventsProvider class is responsible for declaring dialog events that will be available to be invoked. It can be attached to a GameObject to enable the developer to use a friendly UI when declaring events. Also it provides an API to declare programatic events.
📄️ DialogImagesDisplay
The DialogImagesDisplay is the class responsible for displaying images when necessary.
📄️ DialogImagesProvider
The DialogImagesProvider is the class responsible for providing images that will be able to be displayed when necessary.
📄️ DialogManagedControls
The DialogManagedControls is the class responsible for managing controls in a centralized and standard way. It provides some methods that invoke methods from all DialogController scripts present in the scene.
📄️ IDialogProvider
The IDialogProvider is the interface that acts as the blueprint for any dialog provider. All dialog providers have to implement this interface. Once they do so, they will be available to be used as dialog providers.