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Getting started

Let's start using the Storage utility.

Initializating storage services

You can create your own StorageService instances and that is fine, but in the case you want to reuse them during the lifecycle of the game, it is a good idea to use the official instance initialization utility.

We will use the StorageInitializer script. This script needs to be attached to a GameObject in the initialization scene (or any scene that gets loaded at game startup). In the Unity's inspector, we should see some configurable parameters.

  • Initialization mode: You can decide when to initialize teh script (or disable autoinitialization).
  • Default slot name: This indicates the slot name that will be in use in all storage services.
  • Storage instances: A list of all storage services that will be initialized automatically. You have to specify a unique name and the storage connector.

All these storage services will be initialized as Managed Storage Services. This means they are kept in memory the whole lifecycle of the game and can be accessed by using static methods of the StorageService API.

Also, when the currentSlot changes in the StorageService all those storage services update their own slot to match the currentSlot value (as said in the introduction).