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Text replacements

Sometimes you want to inject text variables in a translation. You can do so with text replacements.

Declaring replacements in translations

In your translation file you can declare a translation that uses a text replacement variable by adding {variableName} within the translation value. See the example:

"dialog-1": "Hi {userName}!",
"dialog-2": "Hi {userName}, today is {weekday}"
  • dialog-1: Will be converted to "Hi Alan!" if userName is set to "Alan".
  • dialog-2: Will be converted to "Hi Alan, today is Monday" if userName is set to "Alan" and weekday is set to "Monday".

Setting variable values

Variable values are set where the translation is going to be used.

On a I18nTextObject instance you can specify through the Unity's Inspector values for text replacement variables. These replacements will be applied only on that instance.